


through your images.

it's something I can provide you...

nostalgia is something I wish I could pay for


"The overall thoughtfulness of everything she did was more than we could have asked for. "

- The Devine's

"We used Tia for maternity, birth, and new born pictures and could not be happier or more blown away by each gallery she has sent us."

- Madison + Michael

" She is so versatile with her abilities behind a camera and captures the essence of the moment to the depths of it's core. 

- Tawnee Thorson



starting At $500

a love like yours deserves to be celebrated. it is the only one like it and it is special. every love story is unique in it's own way and being invited into this intimate piece of your lives is such a gift to me.
it deserves to be captured in such a special way.


starting At $600

Capturing big families is so special because whether you have a new addition or just want to capture your family as you all grow into new people together as the time passes. Large families have always held a special place in my heart as I did not come from one and I have such a blast witnessing dynamics I've never personally experienced.

large families

starting At $400

Your family is always changing.
Always growing in one way or another.
There are some moments you wish you could go back to, replay in your mind.
I don't believe in posing children. I believe that their personalities come out best when they're given the freedom to be themselves in a possibly new environment

small families

Book Now

Book Now

Book Now

starting At $400

From belly's to birthdays, there are so many important milestones.

There is an undeniable magick in children and what they can teach the world by just being + growing.

I like to keep my newborn sessions as relaxed as possible.

Whether we're in a studio, outdoors or in home for a first 48.


starting At $400


One of the most beautiful things I've been able to witness + capture. The female body is incredibly powerful. Women are the ultimate portal.

Celebrate your body + your baby for carrying you through in order to create + bring life into the world


starting At $400

I call these Soul Sessions because when you build a business, or change your life, or find yourself on a new path.. a piece of your soul goes into it. I know because I've been there! No matter what that looks like for you- I will capture the entirety of it. The details, the journey, the process... you.


Book Now

Book Now

Book Now

starting At $500

Being engaged is so much fun. Have you gone out for the free desserts and things yet?! That was my favorite thing to do when freshly engaged and yes, it's actually a thing!

This session is included in select wedding packages.


starting At $2500

Yay!! You're getting married!!
& documenting it is SO important!
There will never be another day like this one and I want you to feel completely supported and hear on all of your specific wants + needs to make this day unique and maybe even more than what you dreamt of.


starting at $1800

starting at $400

The best thing to become popular out of 2020... amiright?!
Watching couples around the world take control of this day and do something completely different than everyone else has done meanwhile not letting the weight of the world tell them to stop. This has stayed and I am here for it, 100%.
So let's do this!

I call these Soul Sessions because when you build a business, or change your life, or find yourself on a new path.. a piece of your soul goes into it. I know because I've been there! No matter what that looks like for you- I will capture the entirety of it. The details, the journey, the process... you.


Soul Sessions

Book Now

Book Now

Book Now

Book Now

Book Now

starting AT $385

Your family is always changing.
Always growing in one way or another.
There are some moments you wish you could go back to, replay in your mind.
I don't believe in posing children. I believe that their personalities come out best when they're given the freedom to be themselves in a possibly new environment

small families

starting AT $600

Capturing big families is so special because whether you have a new addition or just want to capture your family as you all grow into new people together as the time passes. Large families have always held a special place in my heart as I did not come from one and I have such a blast witnessing dynamics I've never personally experienced.

large families

Book Now

starting AT $500

a love like yours deserves to be celebrated. it is the only one like it and it is special. every love story is unique in it's own way and being invited into this intimate piece of your lives is such a gift to me.
it deserves to be captured in such a special way.

couples & engagement

Book Now

starting AT $400

I call these Soul Sessions because when you build a business, or change your life, or find yourself on a new path.. a piece of your soul goes into it. I know because I've been there! No matter what that looks like for you- I will capture the entirety of it. The details, the journey, the process... you.

Soul Sessions

Book Now

starting AT $400


One of the most beautiful things I've been able to witness + capture. The female body is incredibly powerful. Women are the ultimate portal.

Celebrate your body + your baby for carrying you through in order to create + bring life into the world


Book Now

starting AT $400

From belly's to birthdays, there are so many important milestones.

There is an undeniable magick in children and what they can teach the world by just being + growing.

I like to keep my newborn sessions as relaxed as possible.

Whether we're in a studio, outdoors or in home for a first 48.


Book Now

starting AT $1800

The best thing to become popular out of 2020... amiright?!
Watching couples around the world take control of this day and do something completely different than everyone else has done meanwhile not letting the weight of the world tell them to stop. This has stayed and I am here for it, 100%.
So let's do this!


Book Now

starting AT $2500

Yay!! You're getting married!!
& documenting it is SO important!
There will never be another day like this one and I want you to feel completely supported and hear on all of your specific wants + needs to make this day unique and maybe even more than what you dreamt of.


Book Now

Listen- I'm not here to tell you that photoshoots are all fairytales that just come together perfectly every single time with little-to-no effort. As much as we'd love for it to be that way- it's just not the case. In my experience, the best photoshoots have the most communication... Did you think I was going to say planning? Nope. The key is communication my friends. This is where the details come in. This is where I learn about the small things that are coming to you during the time that we are talking about this future session. My interest is in reading between the lines as best as I can in order to bring you images that encapsulate your energy right now. With as many or as little accessories that you want. The most important one is your personality and carelessness.

it's all about

you right now

I don't say carelessness in a sense of being sloppy. When I say this- I want you to think of forgetting about the real world spinning outside of us. Entwining yourself in a freedom that wraps you in laughter that comes from deep in your belly and a presence that lets you soak in every single moment. Giving no worry to the messes that may be made or the mishaps that can, do and will occur. When you find yourself letting go, you find the authenticity of now. In these moments are where the most time-stopping, awe-inspiring images happen.

The intentional ones.
The ones that tell a story.

Your Story